Check back often for tips and tricks from Master Artists, expert advice on artistic techniques and building a lucrative art business, plus exciting up to date news in the art world!

Make Your Art Stand Out: The Secret to Bold, Striking Paintings
If you’ve dipped your toe into learning what I call, the science of great art, you may have become quickly overwhelmed.
How to Build A Sustainable Art Career Without Burning Out or Selling Out
From the outside, we often think success is having our work in galleries and selling to distinguished collectors. I used to believe that…
Create with Fresh Energy: How Pushing Limits Boosts Your Art
Do you ever feel like your work is becoming a little stale? Like you’re circling the same ideas over and over but not quite breaking through?
Solve Problems You Didn’t Know Were Holding You Back
Imagine walking away from each session with clarity, confidence, and excitement about your next piece…
Top 5 Lessons Artists Need to Learn to Overcome Resistance
Top 5 Lesson artists need to learn to overcome resistance By Julie deBoerEvery artist battles Resistance —the invisible force that keeps us from creating...Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art provides a roadmap to identifying and defeating it, but how do you apply...
Goal Setting for Artists in 2025: Turning Vision Into Reality
You need a real strategy and clear intentions. It’s the perfect time for you to reflect on your creative journey and set intentional goals for the year ahead.
4 Tips to Boost Your Creativity & Artistic Growth This Holiday Season
Master Artist and Mentor Aline Ordman, has 4 TIPS to get you RE-INSPIRED this season. It starts with seeing and creating DIFFERENTLY to get you growing quickly!
How do you get your work into an art gallery?
By Rebekah Norton
Getting your work into an art gallery is a big goal for emerging artists. And if that’s your goal, here’s what you need to do to get there.
5 Ways To Beat Overwhelm In Art. Stop doing things the hard way!
There is no right or wrong in art, but there are definitely easier and harder ways of doing things.
The tricky thing is, sometimes when we are just learning we don’t realize we are taking the harder route. Honestly, even seasoned artists still fall into the weeds of the hard path.
Does goal setting really work? I doubt it 🤥
By Julie deBoer
Goal setting is something I’ve always resisted because… well… that’s for other artists, you know, the ones who aren’t reaching their goals. 😬 Then I took an honest look at my life and art and tried it. It took 30 minutes and… wait for it…