Art Marketing for Artists
3 Ways to Get Your Art Seen
Wherever you are in your creative journey, art marketing is a big part of making it in the art world. All your hard work and creativity won’t do much if no one ever sees it! Here’s how to get both you and your artwork seen.
1. Use Instagram to Market Your Art
As an artist, Instagram is your new best friend. Use it to post not just your finished artwork, but also your work in various stages of progress. Share a tip that may be helpful for other artists or what’s been inspiring you lately. People often buy art because of an emotional connection, and sharing the story of you and your artwork goes a long way in helping people connect with your art.
Take your Instagram profile to the next level by using its features to get in front of more viewers. Learn how to market your art on Instagram: pin a post, share a story, add a link in your bio, and request and accept collaborations.
2. Market Your Art through Email
Instagram and other social media platforms are useful, but you have fierce competition for attention. And technically, social media platforms could shut down at any time, taking your beloved followers with them. Whenever you can, collect email addresses from interested viewers and collectors—and use them. A regular email newsletter goes straight to the top of a person’s inbox. Tailor your email newsletter for your specific audience, and don’t forget to include an easy way for your recipients to share your email newsletter with their friends!
3. Build and Maintain Your Artist Website
Your artist website is your business card. It builds your credibility as an artist and is an easy way to be vetted by collectors, followers, and galleries. Your artist website is also a powerful engine for growing that email list (see above)!
Once you have a website, use it! Keep it up-to-date with new pieces of artwork, achievements, and classes or groups you’re offering. If people search for you or your work, your website is one of the first places they’ll go.

Don’t Be Shy, You Got This
When marketing yourself or your work doesn’t feel intuitive or natural, it’s good to remember this common marketing wisdom: When you feel like you’re starting to get sick of talking about yourself, that’s when people are just starting to notice.
So get out there—you got this!
Learn how to market yourself from the pros!
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