Why getting mentored in a small group is BEST
This week starts our email series answering this question…
Why does ART mentorship at Mastrius happen in small groups?
As I began writing to you, I realized there’s SO MANY reasons why we chose the small group model for Mastrius art mentorship! I could never cover it all in one email. So, here’s the answers to that question I’ll dive into over the next few weeks:
Why the small group model?
- Because small groups reduce the fear and intimidation working with a Master may cause.
- Because peer to peer learning is massively valuable.
- Because connection is key to living a full and meaningful life, but it’s not always easy to find.
- Because the art industry needs to be more collaborative and supportive and together, we’re going to change it!
- Because group cost-sharing makes working with a world class Master Artist, affordable and allows for a very important group member, the Navigator!
Today we’ll focus on #1 – The small group model reduces the fear and intimidation working with a Master Artist can cause, while still allowing you the face-to-face relationship with a mentor who will help you grow your skills and confidence, fast. Amazing!
I realize not all artists are intimidated by Master Artists, but I was (and still am sometimes 😬). I’ve learned that if I feel a certain way, it’s likely many others do too. Working one-on-one with a Master Artist could be amazing but it could also be too intense, too far out of your comfort zone, and possibly overwhelming.
The small group design allows you to take a small step back and observe the interactions within the group, giving you time to build-up your courage to step out into the spotlight to receive critiques, feedback, and encouragement.
It gives you time to learn that…
…your small group is a safe place to let your guard down and exhale.
Because you’ll be among friends! Every artist in your group will be at the same stage as you – Aspiring, Emerging, or Accomplished. This is part of the design! Why? Because it’s easier to connect with artists you’re not comparing yourself to, who you have a lot in common with, who are working on the same skills, who are struggling with the same struggles.
You won’t find yourself thinking, “these artists are more talented than me, I don’t fit in.” Or “this is too basic, I need more, I don’t fit in.”
What you will find is what we here from Mastrius artists all the time…
“I found my people!”
Mastrius is built very intentionally on the values of TRUST, SUPPORT, and NON-COMPETITIVE COMMUNITY. Those values are knit into every fiber of the community including the small group art mentorship model. Your small group is going to value you, because you’re part of the team… you’re a valued member of the tribe.
“There’s nothing like it. The support that you get, the inspiration, the motivation, the cheering in the background…!” Leslie Starr – Emerging Artist
That’s reason #1, stay tuned for four more!
Find your cheerleaders at Mastrius, where there’s a seat with your name on it.
~ Julie deBoer