Steven Kenny


Master | Instructor | Mentor

My paintings most often focus on the human figure paired with elements found in nature. These surreal, symbolic juxtapositions are intended to work on at least two levels.

The first alludes to the fact that we are an integral part of the natural world and subject to its laws. This seems like an obvious statement until we step back and objectively assess our symbiotic relationship with each other and the Earth. Depending on your perspective, these relationships fall somewhere on the scale between harmonious and dysfunctional.

The second turns the lens around to look inward upon the stewardship of our own emotional, intellectual and psychological landscapes. The same pictorial subject matter allows me to make references to our individual journeys of self-exploration and discovery. Again, depending on who is holding the compass, we are either lost or on the right path.

At the very least, I desire to create images of beauty and mystery that allow the viewer to find their own personal significance in them.


join your group


NOTE: In his Mastermind Group, Steven will be focusing on ART CRITIQUES. With monthly critiques from Steven, together you will work towards fast and measurable improvement in the quality of your artwork.


Colour & Composition


Tools & Materials


Studio Set-Up


How To Self Critique


Art Critiques


Technique Demos


Bio & CV


Marketing & Branding


Shows & Exhibits


Social Media


Pricing Artwork


Selling Online


Approaching Galleries

Studio Time Management

Art as a Business


Products & Prints



More than an Art Workshop


2-hr monthly
videoconference session with MASTER ARTIST, NAVIGATOR and small group

Practice-based HOMEWORK


Additional 1-hr session mid-month with NAVIGATOR and GROUP. Navigator permanently assigned to your group, accountable for your growth trajectory

CONFIDENTIAL discussion board for you and your group, with 24hr access to session RECORDINGS

CHOOSE a new Master Artist every 6 to 8 months to bring NEW EXPERTISE and SKILL TRAINING

About The Artist


Steven Kenny was born in Peekskill, New York in 1962. He attended the Rhode Island School of Design, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1984. His final year of art school was spent studying independently in Rome. This direct exposure to European art (especially the Baroque works of the Italian, Dutch and Flemish schools) had a significant effect on his painting style.

First settling in New York City, he gained notoriety as a freelance commercial illustrator. Clients included Sony Music, Time Magazine, AT&T, United Airlines, Celestial Seasonings, Microsoft and many others. His illustrations repeatedly received awards from the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts Magazine, and the Art Directors’ Club of New York.

In 1997 Steven turned away from illustration in order to devote his full attention to fine art. Since that time he has lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and his home state of New York before settling in St Petersburg, Florida in 2012. His award-winning paintings are exhibited in galleries across the United States and Europe. Honors include grants from the Virginia and Franz Bader Fund, the Joyce Dutka Arts Foundation; fellowships from the Virginia Commission for the Arts, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Creative Pinellas; and the St Petersburg Arts Alliance Visual Art MUSE Award. His paintings can be found in the permanent collections of the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art, Museo Arte Contemporanea Sicilia, and many private collections around the world.

From an early age the beauty and mystery of nature have deeply influenced his chosen subject matter: surreal compositions that most often combine the human figure with elements from nature to comment on our interactions with the environment while symbolically alluding to the multi-facetted dynamics of human nature in general. Stylistically, Steven employs Old Master oil painting techniques to create images that are visually reminiscent of the Renaissance and Northern Baroque periods while being firmly rooted in the realm of Contemporary Art.

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✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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