Victor wang


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Mentoring Emerging and Accomplished Artists
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MEDIUM: Oil Paint | Acrylic Paint | Graphite
SPECIALTY: ✔ Technical

Victor Wang – The human figures in my paintings represent the emotional tension and psychological drama of life’s turning points. The blend of luminous color and buttery texture evoke the enigmatic environment where these moments of meditation originate. I have interwoven the sunflower – a symbol throughout my life embodying both sorrow and joy and collaged images from China’s Tang Dynasty – a signature of my heritage into my paintings.

I am influenced recently by the way Auguste Rodin used clay to model figures, In his Sculpture contains expression and dramatic body language and through his marvelous clay marks making we could sense of inner emotions and feelings. So I have tried to treat my color paints as clay to build up the form on canvas.  The thickness of the paint evokes a sculptural physicality and multi-level quality.

Artwork by Doug Swinton
Artwork by Doug Swinton
Artwork by Doug Swinton
Artwork by Doug Swinton
Artwork by Doug Swinton
Artwork by Doug Swinton


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Technical



Colour and Composition


Teaching How to Self Critique


Technique Demos


Supplies and Tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend



Studio Time Management


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Artwork by Doug Swinton

My path through life has been adventurous, exciting, and dream-like. My experience of settling into America in search of better opportunities has been both challenging and inspiring. I use the human face as a vehicle to paint human experiences - worry and wonder, sadness and pleasure - which reflect the emotional stage directly tied to my immigration experiences.

I grew up amongst the sunflower fields in northern China. In my childhood years, I played under the bright, yellow sunflowers with my brothers every day. China’s Cultural Revolution played an important part in my life. During that time, sunflowers were used as political allegories to depict how citizens of China should follow Mao who represented the sun since sunflowers follow the sun’s movements. People eventually inferred the deception that this symbol masked. After graduating from high school, I was sent to a labor camp in the country for ‘re-education' during China’s Cultural Revolution. There, I was subject to grueling farm work. Often, I worked in corn and sunflower fields from sunrise to sunset. Thus, for me, sunflowers evoke both personal joy and sadness. Therefore, to deliver my complex feelings, I use sunflowers as a metaphor to connote my background and emotional stage.

My incorporation of collages of figures from China’s Tang Dynasty represents my Chinese heritage and is a constant reminder of where I came from. The texture and earthiness on the canvas’s surface are inspired by the texture of the soil on the farm where I worked in China.

Although I often gain great pleasure from the process of painting, it is most important to unfold expressively those feelings within myself.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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