Thibault Barrere


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MEDIUM: Oil Paint | Graphite Art | Sanguine | Sepia
SPECIALTY: ✔ Technical

In the middle of the Baroque era, the Frenchman André Félibien, establishes in writing the genres of painting and their classification. Still lifes were the most basic genre, followed by landscapes, one step above were portraits, and at the top of this hierarchy we find historical paintings. This genre sought to portray and glorify great historical events, religious parables, passages from mythology, ideas from philosophy, scenes from literature, and poetry in the form of allegories. The artist’s goal was to create something majestic, which also managed to convey a moral or intellectual message; he sought to awaken the mind of his audience, provoke and question it.

The execution of a work of this type implied the integration of all the other genres coexisting in harmony within a single canvas, however, the complexity of making a historical painting goes beyond technique and aesthetics. These paintings capture the human essence in its best and worst moments, they are a constant reminder of what we were and are, the stories that shaped us, the ones that have brought us to this day. These paintings are somehow the most important pages in the diary of humanity, and with my work I want to be part of them.

My work takes up mythological, religious, philosophical, allegorical and historical scenes, to provide a new interpretation of them. These themes, always timeless, continue to be relevant, and I would venture to say that now more than ever. Its primary objective is to create a dialogue with its observer, and generate awareness about the way in which men act and live, and for me this will be the work of a lifetime.

Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth

Thibault’s EXPERTISE

Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Technical



Colour and Composition


Technique Demos


Supplies and Tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend


Focus & Mindset


Providing Art Critiques


Teaching How to Self Critique



Shows and Exhibits



Pricing Artwork


Approaching Galleries


Studio Time Management

“Mastrius has done wonders for my confidence. I have managed to step way outside of my comfort zone which has in turn given rise to so many more opportunities to further my art career.”
~ Deb, Emerging Artist


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Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth

Thibault Barrère is a French artist born in Grenoble in 1988. His interest in the arts began very early and in 2012 led him to Florence in order to study at The Angel Academy of Art, where he completed the fundamental program of drawing and paintwork.

In addition to painting, Thibault expanded his areas of expertise into printmaking and sculpture, which he learned through specialized courses in Florence while he was studying painting.

From that moment on, Barrère has been exploring the traditional techniques of painting. Following recipes from the great masters of the past as well as those of his contemporaries, Thibault found a passion in the creation of his pigments and mediums as well as the construc- tion and preparation of his canvases and frames.
He begins to develop his works from sketches from imagination which are followed by studies from live models.

He finds inspiration in the Baroque movement, especially in the design, color palette and light management that dominated that era. The narrative of his work is based on various mytholo- gies, religions and philosophies with the purpose of obtaining a greater understanding of humanity. His work is an infinite search for the perfect balance between technique, craft and narrative.

His path through the art world has taken him to live in different countries, including Bulgaria, Italy and France. His work has been selected in various pictorial competitions of great importance (Figurativas, Lang Leve Rembrandt, Mall Galleries). The artist currently lives in Guana- juato, Mexico, where he continues to develop his work in addition to sharing his knowledge in his own atelier: Atelier Barrère-Ripoll.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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