I love how Mastrius takes care of the business side of things and I get to focus on the art, my favourite thing!

I am half way through a university degree in fine arts, and although I am happy to be pursuing this, it’s Mastrius that nourishes my creative soul the most. I love everything about it, my mentorship group is wonderful of course, but I also love attending all of the...

It really is a game changer! I absolutely love everything about Mastrius. I thought about getting a mentor for about a year and a half before actually going through with it, and I’m so happy I joined.

I am celebrating 2 years with Mastrius this past October and I cannot imagine my emerging art career without the mentoring of the masters. The knowledge of the group, including the Master Artist and navigator is incredibly powerful and has helped me build and sustain...

I felt that everyone had a good amount of time to discuss their concerns, etc. and that the discussion that followed was always enlightening. I am enjoying Mastrius.