Stephanie Kilgast


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Mentoring Aspiring Artists
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MEDIUM: Mixed Media Art | Sculptor | Watercolor Art
SPECIALTY: ✔ Generalist 

Life fascinates me.
Textures and patterns excite me.
Sculpting makes me happy.
Destructive human activities push me into despair.
Emotions drive me insane.
Creating art balances everything out.

My work is an ode to life.

I use trash, old objects and books onto which I create a vibrant, abounding representation of plants, animals and fungi.

This wild encounter of natural forms and bright colors onto human-made objects come to life in my sculptural and pictorial work.

Humans are a part of nature, which we often like to forget, creating an artificial barrier of tar between us and the mud. Unfortunately, by destroying our environment so radically, we are destroying ourselves.

It is up to us to find an equilibrium between our activities, and our desire to thrive intellectually and culturally, without completely eradicating our very home.

With my choice of bold and vibrant colors, I offer a cheerful post-apocalyptic world. While I talk about a heavy subject, the disastrous impact of human activities, I also wish that people leave my work with a feeling of happiness and hope, and keep fighting.

In the end, through my work, I would like to provoke wonder of the living while questioning the status quo of our current societies.

Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe

Stephanie’s EXPERTISE

Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Generalist



Providing Art Critiques


Teaching How to Self Critique



Color and Composition



Artist statement and CV


Website Design

“Mastrius has done wonders for my confidence. I have managed to step way outside of my comfort zone which has in turn given rise to so many more opportunities to further my art career.”
~ Deb, Emerging Artist


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Artwork by Michaela Hoppe

Inspired by natural forms, Stéphanie Kilgast’s artwork is an ode to nature and its current biodiversity. Plants, mushrooms, insects and other animals encounter in a vibrant swirl of colors under her brush or sculpting tools.

Since 2017, in her series “Discarded Objects”, she grows colorful organic sculptures on manufactured objects, celebrating the beauty of nature in a dialogue with humanity, questioning the lost balance between human activities and nature.
Her work has a cheerful post apocalyptic feel to it, a reassuring reminder that nature has the capacity to grow back, if we only let it.

Her work has been exhibited in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe.

French, born in 1985, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, currently resides in Vannes, France.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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