Rosso Emerald Crimson
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SPECIALTY: ✔ Generalist
Rosso gained a MA in Human Rights and International Relations and worked in advertising before turning onto the visual arts, in her 30s. She retrained then, attending the London Atelier of Representational Art (LARA) part-time and taking private tuition from artists whose work deeply inspired her.
She got herself a name after winning a few competitions in the early stages of her career – namely, the 2016 “Emerald Winter Pride Award”, organized by Pride UK; the first prize for the Holly Bush “Emerging Woman Painter Prize” (now Women In Art / WIA Prize), and the first prize for the portrait/figurative category at the “Jackson Open Painting Prize”, in 2019. In 2019, she was selected to participate in “Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year” and then again in 2021. These all lead to expand her networks and exhibiting opportunities in London/UK mainly.
She continued pursuing and developing her own style, while slowly also cultivating her online presence through Instagram above all. In 2020, during Covid, her online presence sky rocketed, growing her account from a few thousands to over 100K engaged fan and followers.
This growth and worldwide exposure profoundly impacted her artistic career, pushing it to a higher professional level. Since then, her personal painting practice has been backed by sharing her skills and learnings with an ever wider audience of art lovers and emerging/mid career artists, both online and in person via workshops.
In 2023, she started organizing and running her own painting retreats (in Sicily), more in-person workshops in EU/US, and also set up her own online art program ( She’s been featured in many magazines worldwide and has contributed for artist-related magazines included The Artist (published in UK), where she was on the cover, and The International Artist (US).
Her first book/monography is set to be published and released in January 2025.
Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.
Specialty: ✔ Generalist
Color & Composition
Studio Setup for Art Production
Providing Art Critiques
Technique Demos
Marketing & Branding
Social Media
Selling Online
Running Your Art Business the Day to Day
Products, Prints, Reproductions
Studio Time Management
“Mastrius is a perfect balance of accountability, community and fun.
It feels like family. Family that makes you a better you.”
~ Elizabeth, Emerging Artist
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In her portraiture, Rosso depicts mostly female characters that mirror her own experience and perceptions of society. Weather emerging through a haze of pastels and muted tones, or intertwined with colourful graphic patterns, her women are always centre-stage, often staring forward with unsmiling expression, capturing the viewers’ imagination and instilling very intimate responses. Technically, she mixes traditional painting techniques with a more contemporary approach, to achieve a balance between abstract and figurative elements. Often, the beautifully rendered portraits and figures seem to emerge from the remnants of intricate surfaces, as if embodying the cycle of rebirth from decadence. The creative process is a continuous unveiling of the relationship between the human subjects, the abstract surrounding and the emotional dimension of the artist herself.
Italian born, Rosso has been living in London/UK since early 2000. She gained a MA in Human Rights and International Relations and worked in advertising before discovering her true call for painting, in her 30s. She retrained then, attending the London Atelier of Representational Art (LARA) part-time and taking private tuition from artists whose work deeply inspired her.
She has won several art prizes since the beginning of her artistic career, including the 2016 “Emerald Winter Pride Award”, organized by Pride UK; the first prize for the Holly Bush “Emerging Woman Painter Prize” (now Women In Art / WIA Prize), leading to Rosso’s first solo exhibition at CASSart headquarters gallery in London. She won the first prize for the portrait/figurative category at the “Jackson Open Painting Prize” in 2019. She was selected to participate in “Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year” in 2019 and 2021. In 2021, she was finalist in the renown “Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize”, which opened doors to collaborations and exhibitions internationally with galleries in US (Sugarlift, RLS, Principle Gallery), Canada (James Baerd Gallery), Norway (Romfjord Gallery), Germany (Stoerpunkt). More recently she’s been selected for ModPortrait 2023, the Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI), the ING Discerning Eye and the Society of Women Artists SWA (London, UK), and exhibited at MEAM (Museum Modern Art) in Barcelona, and at the Mall Galleries in London (UK).
Her work has been in the cover of “The Artist Magazine” (UK) and Arena Magazine (Australia), and featured in Colossal, International Artist Magazine, Create Mag, Evolved Mag, MyModernMet, Artists&Illustrator, Vogue India.