Unlock Your Artistic Potential

Mentorship is the fastest way to go from where you are today, to where you want to be!

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Mentoring Emerging Artists
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MEDIUM: Oil Paint | Acrylic Paint | Watercolor Paint
SPECIALTY: ✔ Plein Air 

Painting is above all an inner journey.

In today’s world, this definition is often forgotten.

Yet this is what distinguishes the artist from the maker of image as a product. The various external constraints related to the profession sometimes create obstacles to this journey by disturbing the flow of true creative energy.

Also, just like the musician, the filmmaker or the dancer, the painter cannot really evolve without mastering certain technical bases. The artistic style should not be the result of a forced research but rather something that develops naturally through the gradual questioning of previously mastered techniques. This process then becomes more creative and takes the personal pictorial language to another level. From there starts the most important quest, the perfect symbiosis between our emotions, our outlook on the world and our ability to express them authentically with less possible filters.

My teaching method reflects this concept where technique is ultimately put at the service of candor and feeling. My teaching approach refers a lot to philosophy of esthetic to help emerging artists to define their unique style.

Nature has been my favorite subject for 25 years and I will never get tired of it. An inexhaustible source of inspiration that spans the ages and transcends all schools of painting.

All these years of observing the landscape and painting it have made me realize so much about its dizzying complexity and developed in me the desire to express more than just its inherent beauty.

As Cézanne said: Painting from nature is not copying the objective, it is realizing our sensations.

painting of trees by a river by Marc Grandbois
oil painting of a lake and trees
oil painting of a mountain
oil painting of a lake and trees by Marc Grandbois
painting of a river and grass
painting of a lake and trees
Painting of a forest by Marc Grandbois
painting of a lake and trees by Marc Grandbois


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Plein Air



Colour and Composition


Technique Demos


Supplies and Tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend


Creative Process Development


Providing Art Critiques


Teaching How to Self Critique



Shows and Exhibits


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acrylic painting of trees

Residing in Anse-St-Jean in Quebec, Marc Grandbois was introduced to painting at a very young age alongside his mother, herself an artist-painter. 

He completed his Fine Arts at Concordia University in 1991 and quickly gained a certain notoriety as a watercolor painter between 1992 and 2002. Along with his production, he taught painting and drawing and participated in numerous symposiums around the province.

 Tired of the financial uncertainty often associated with the life of an artist, he put aside his easel and brushes for a good ten years, contenting himself with painting on occasion and accepting a few contracts. 

In 2010, he left Mauricie for Saguenay. The exceptional beauty of the landscape and the unique environment of the fjord motivate this decision and will be the trigger for a return to his first passion; the painting. 

The Nordic landscape has always been his primary source of inspiration. 

His work is characterized by the priority given to the atmosphere, the casual but fair brushwork and the richness of colors. 

His palette, sometimes subtle, sometimes wild, adjusts according to the moods he wants to create. 

''I firmly believe that figurative art, especially landscape, remains very current if it transcends the narrative and becomes in a way a basis for experimenting with gestures, color and light''. 

Signatory member of the IAF, we find the works of Marc Grandbois in several galleries and public / private collections in Canada and abroad.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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