jessica oliveras


Unlock Your Artistic Potential

Mentorship is the fastest way to go from where you are today, to where you want to be!

Learn How Mentorship Works or join this mentors group below.

Mentoring Aspiring Artists
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MEDIUM: Oil | Acrylic 
SPECIALTY: ✔ Generalist

Welcome to our small and intimate mentorship group!

As someone who believes in the power of tailored learning, I prioritize your individual needs and requests, shaping our sessions around what excites and challenges all group members the most.

Yearning for realism in your portraits? We’ll hone in on details and techniques that elevate your portraiture to new heights. But it’s not just about technical prowess; we’ll also explore the art of composition, guiding your eye to create captivating narratives within your artwork. Let’s continue with the heart of any painting – colour. Together, we’ll unravel the mysteries of colour mixing, skin tones and neutral colours, exploring how hues dance together to create harmonious palettes. We’ll demystify value, chroma and edges, mastering the subtle nuances that breathe life into portraits. We do a lot of critiques; expect honest feedback tempered with encouragement, as we celebrate your growth and unearth areas ripe for exploration.

But art isn’t just about technique – it’s about emotion, inspiration, and finding your voice. Together, we’ll navigate the emotional landscape of creation, overcoming challenges and embracing the journey with resilience and grace. Your personal voice and style will emerge organically as we delve into what ignites your passion and fuels your creativity. From compelling painting to marketing strategies, our sessions cover a breadth of topics designed to empower you on your artistic journey. So, come with an open heart and a curious mind, and let’s embark on this transformative adventure together!


Jessica Oliveras is a visual artist, educated at the University of Girona in Spain, at the Middlesex University in London (in nursing and midwifery), and self-taught in painting.

Jessica was born in 1991 in a small town near Barcelona, Spain. As her father is a painter and her mother an art books director, she grew up surrounded by paintings and in the company of artists and art collectors. Her love of Art started at an early age when her father’s paintings became both a reference and a source of artistic inspiration for her.

Jessica started to paint professionally in London, where she lived for eight years.  Recently she moved to Spain in a search to reconnect with her roots. She currently works and resides between Spain and Italy, having her main studio in Barcelona and her second studio in Naples.

Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth
Artwork by Grahame Booth


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Generalist



Colour and Composition


Studio Setup for Art Production


Technique Demos


Supplies and Tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend


Teaching How to Self Critique



Website Design


Artist Statement & CV


Social Media


Marketing and Branding


Shows & Exhibits



Pricing Artwork


Selling Online


Approaching Galleries


Running your art business the day-to-day


Studio Time Management


Products, Prints, & Reproductions


select your mentorship group

If the group you're interested in has a waitlist, you have the option to join another group to get started. When your group opens we can transfer you over.


Artwork by Grahame Booth
“As an artist, I am deeply fascinated by the delicate balance of existence and non-existence. The very fact that we exist at all is a probabilistic phenomenon, shaped by countless factors and variables beyond our control. For me, painting is a celebration of the beautiful and fragile nature of being, and a reminder that each and every one of us is a miraculous manifestation of probability and chance.

I explore the interplay between abstraction and figurative art. The abstract backgrounds in these artworks serve as visual representations of the chaos, confusion, and disorientation that often accompany significant life changes. Embedded within these chaotic backgrounds, the figures emerge as the central focal points of each composition. The combination of abstraction and figurative elements highlights the dichotomy between the internal and external realms. By juxtaposing the chaotic backgrounds with the more defined figures, I seek to convey the blurred boundaries between the past and the present, and the existence and non-existence. 

My new body of work takes this exploration to new depths, incorporating heightened levels of abstraction and chaotic backgrounds that envelop the figures portrayed. These elements serve as visual representations of the emotional turmoil and inner chaos that accompanied my journey of disentanglement.”

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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