Mentors are Master & Professional Artists

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Step 1: Identify Your Stage


As a beginner artist you may have never painted before or you’ve dabbled here and there and love the idea of pursuing painting as a hobby.


  • technique & demos – how to plan, start and finish a painting
  • supplies and tools – what paints, brushes, and other supplies to buy so you can try painting without spending too much

If you’re a beginner, please have a look at our LIVE Online Courses and Weekly LIVE Events. We don’t currently offer mentorship for beginners. Dive into a course for beginners and come to our weekly events, it won’t take long before you’re Aspriring!


As an aspiring artist, you have been creating on the side, as a hobby, and now you’re ready to take it to the next level!


  • technical – color, composition, demos, and technique
  • art critiques – get feedback on your work to develop your color & composition and skills
  • supplies and tools – where to save, where to spend, best tools and mediums for you
  • marketing – learn how to write your artist statement and CV, build your brand, launch a website, grow your social media
  • price artwork – because your time and talent have value!

As an emerging artist, you have been painting regularly and feel confident in your unique style.

You’ve taken workshops/courses and have already been selling your work to friends, neighbors, and in community shows and markets.

Now you’re ready to take it to the next level!


  • art critiques – getting expert feedback on your work, honing your composition & design skills
  • selling – learn how to sell more artwork
    • how to price your artwork appropriately, your time and skill have value
    • build your brand and market yourself as an Artist, leveraging social media well
    • how to earn a steady income in an unsteady economy
    • how to approach galleries and/or go solo successfully
  • business skills – learn the mechanics of creating and sustaining a business as an artist
  • production – studio set-up and time management to maximize production
  • art licensing – what products to create, how to find a reputable producer

As an Accomplished artist, you have become established and successful as an artist – so now what? Mastery!

Do you resonate with ONE of these?

  • You have a well-defined style & display strong technical skills but feel like you’re missing something important that’s preventing you from finding the success you’re looking for.
  • Your sales are not consistent enough to build the career you dream of. You struggle to find your collectors, to grow and leverage your social media following and email subscriber list, gain gallery representation, etc
  • You feel stagnant in your art growth, you’ve been painting the same thing, the same way for a longtime, now what?!
  • You’re so busy “producing” art for your collectors that you’ve lost sight of your passion, you’re feeling bored and uninspired.

What do you learn?

  • How to build your art business into a thriving, steady, income generator, allowing you the freedom to quit your day job, travel abroad to teach, or live off your income, stress free.
  • How to connect your personal voice to your work – connect your personal expression of how you experience life and communicate it in your own unique way – challenge your motives, are you painting from a place of passion, or from a place of expectation?
  • How to differentiate your work. Refine and push your style further. Hone the subtle nuances of technique while pursuing your unique artistic voice.
  • How to create inspiration from within so you never stop growing and pursuing excellence in your work.

    Still not sure what stage you are? Take our short quiz.

    Step 2: Choose Your Mentor

    Choose Your Own Mentor

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    FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

    ✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

    ✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

    ✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

    Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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